Enter the Tranquil Ring Giveaway!

Enter to win an Tranquil Ring from Ten Degrees!


You have 3 ways to enter! 

1. Enter your email below.


2. Follow us on Instagram tendegreesinsta

  • Like the giveaway announcement post
  • Share the post to your Instagram story
  • Tag friends in the comments. Each tag in a separate comment = 1 additional entry


3. Bonus entry - Head to our Facebook for an additional chance to win!

Enter Now!  

*Must be 18+ and a resident of Canada or U.S.A. Not affiliated with Facebook or Instagram. No purchase necessary to enter. Winner will be announced on October 12, 2021.


Why you'll love the Tranquil Ring


We live in a buzzing world. There’s always a screen to look at or a task to get done. When you consciously choose tranquillity and rest your body, everything starts to slow down. From this place of stillness that you can rise.

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